Thursday, March 02, 2006

More sass, less chicken

So, I got my hair did last week. Really great dark hair with thin blond streaks. I was a little traumatized when handing over my card but it was so very worth it. And now I, as well as the non-jerk (who will now be referred to as Doodle 'cause non-jerk doesn't sound very nice), have a whole new personality. Well, more like a redesign of the old personality.

New hair make me sassy. And a little too goofy. Like dancing in a bowling alley goofy and looking forward to the next time the opportunity presents itself. It gives me a back the confidence level that I forgot I had. You know, the one from way back in high school where I knew I was cute and told anyone who would listen. And it also brings out the best in Doodle.

One of my earliest complaints (and amazingly enough the only complaint I have had) is that he doesn't give many compliments. He is just not a talker by nature but a girl needs to now what the dealio is every once in awhile, ya feel me?

I eventually convinced myself that actions really did speak louder than words and he was definitely showing his interest. And not just in the really fun not g-rated way but by doing things like staying out late to go to opening night of Harry Potter (which he doesn't like), holding open doors, spending his day off helping me get a Christmas tree, and other disgustingly cute things that may make the non-girly types want to vomit a little.

Then I got my hair did and Doodle found his voice. I came to his house the night it was done and at first, all he could do was stare. Then comes the words. I lost count of how many times I was told I looked beautiful, sexy and lots of other great for the ego compliments. And even though it is now a week later, I am still hearing it. I love it. I am starting to feel more like the fun loving giddy girl and less like the bitter if I date one more asshole I will have to be relocated to a padded room girl.

Giddy girl is happy. And Doodle REALLY likes the sassy hair in braids. I'm just sayin'...


At 7:49 AM, Blogger K said...

Worth every penny.


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