Friday, June 30, 2006


Wow. What an awful picture of me. But look at that kid. Look at his smile. And his big eyes. You can see how happy he is-with a little bit of mischief. He is such a beautiful child. Fro and all. (If you look closely you can see sunglasses hiding in all that hair.) And he is going to be gone for a month. Now I am beginning to freak out for real.

All I could think about before was WhooHoo! A month of no parenting. No telling a little body "we are not far enough from the house that we can't turn around". No more quietly laughing as he eats the shrimp in his salad. He hates shrimp. Or him eating the onions after saying "no vegetables, right?". I might go insane.

The last couple of days I have been trying to prepare him for the long daddy visit. This is the longest he has ever been away from me. And obviously the longest I have ever been away from him. I have taken care of him on my own (well, I have a lot of help from family) since literally the day he was born. Now someone else is going to be the one to get sneak kisses, not me. He is going to change so much, and I am going to miss it all.

Now that I think about it, maybe he has spent the last couple of days preparing us. He has been making sure we know he is there. He has been saying things like "you are gonna miss me, aren't you? And I am your only boy right?". And now I am crying. I mean, I have allergies.

Okay, I'm better now. No more crying-for a minute.

But yeah, I am gonna miss that boy. And I might go crazy. Please take nothing I say personal over the next month. And if I randomly bust into tears (which could happen), just ignore me. I just talked to the kid before the baby daddy took him. He said "I brought Mater with me. Okay mommy, I am going to daddy's house for a long time and you are gonna miss me and I love you."

The freakout has officially begun. Atleast there is way too much sugar and sprinkle coated chocolate sitting within 5 feet of me.


At 8:56 AM, Blogger K said...

Look, if you need it, I have allergy medicine for your, uh, "allergies". It may not help with the sniffling because I think you have a "different" kind of allergies but I can vouch for their ability to knock you the f*** case you need it.

Because I'm a friend like that.

At 9:06 AM, Blogger George said...

Aw thanks. Only a true friend would share their drugs.


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