Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Yes, I am dumb

I am currently sitting at my desk in a halter shirt (so not even close to professional yet I don't really care) trying not to bawl as my shoulders are literally on fire. I needed sunblock. I even had it in my car. But do I put it on? Nope. Do I pay the price? Yup.

My thought process was, well, we would only be out a couple of hours. And it's not like it's REALLY that hot outside. So I will get a little burned, no big deal. Um, I'm dumb. Big. Freakin. Deal. What's even worst is I knew that it would happen (just like this). But without fail, once a year, I get really burned. Then I learn my lesson. I'm done. I don't tan, so I might as well stay pale.

Then there is the dreaded sleep problem. Can't sleep on my back-the back is burned. Can't sleep on my stomach-my arms need to be curled under me for that to work. Burnt arms=bad idea. Can't sleep on my sides-damn shoulders are burnt. And then have man whom I absolutely love snoring away (I think in supersonic volume) like there is nothing wrong. Hi! Something wrong! Dumb girlfriend is not sleeping! Then just BARELY contain myself from pushing him off the bed-although I may have gently punched him a couple of times. Hey! He was sleeping! I wasn't.

So yearly lesson learned-SPF 500 for George.


At 9:09 AM, Blogger K said...

I always feel like I could fry an egg on my chest when I burn like that. I bet we could try one on your back you know.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger George said...

Doodle wanted to do that this morning-I just took a shower and didn't think sweet pea soap would taste very good with it.


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