Thursday, March 09, 2006

More with talk!

My biggest complaint about things with Doodle is that he doesn't say much. Not in the how was your day kind of stuff, but in the how we are feeling/what we are thinking kinda way. I had mentioned to him during our conversation how he doesn't say what he is thinking and he reminded me that maybe what he is doing shows a little more. Damn him for always being right.

But yesterday he turned into a talker! Seriously all the right things. He sent me text messages during the day and in one of them asked if I was okay since I only talked to him twice the day before. I told him I wasn't trying to get all mushy and didn't want to bug him. He replied back telling me that I wasn't bugging him, that he liked talking to me and he liked who I was. Then last night he told me that he gets cranky when he doesn't talk to me. From most guys, I would assume that was a line. But from him, since he only says what he thinks, I know he wasn't just saying that to make me happy. It had that effect anyways.

Then he picks on my about how he was gonna just move onto another coffee girl. But then he followed it up with "no, the only thing good that came out of *insert name of coffee company taking over the world* was you".

And while we were sitting there watching TV (American Idol was already waiting for me when I got there. He doesn't watch American Idol, but knows I do religiously. See-more action.), he just looked down at me and told me I was beautiful. I love hearing that from him. It means so much coming from him.

We talked about how maybe, as it was a little obvious from my past relationships, I move things along a little too quickly. Um, I just had that conversation earlier in the day with one of my girls...and I told him I agreed with him. That's why I was attempting to learn patience.

So really, yesterday was perfect as are most of my days since him. It seems like no matter what happens with my day, or my crazy child, he can somehow make it all a little better. It's scary having someone who barely knows you at all know you better than the people who have known you for years.


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