Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cranky and Pissy

I was supposed to write about something and my only thought was how cranky and pissy I am. People should be required to have an IQ-any at all-in order to purchase coffee. Or speak with me. Well, for everyone's sanity, them too. So people on my shit list include:

-Cheap bastards who are just there for the free coffee. No you can't get a tall latte, the paper says tall drip you moron. And it is FREE. Get over yourself.
-Select few in my office building. Nothing further will be said about that but they suck.
-People that clog up the toilets. Okay, so that was from yesterday but it still ticks me off.
-People that say for instead of so.
-Anyone with the name John. And I was actually thinking, really J names should just be avoided. Me and the other girls have all dated J's. That didn't work so well.
-The idiots who don't wipe off the steam wand. Just clean the damn things. Crusty milk is nasty and not something I want in my mocha.

Now for things that don't suck:
-Doodle. He lurves me. He said so. Hehe.


At 1:55 PM, Blogger K said...

Js AR bad. I have yet to meet one person who has any real success with any stupid J.

That's all I have to say about that.


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