Friday, April 07, 2006

My pretty car

So, this week my car got hit on, then it got hit.

This is all a little odd to me. The hit on part was some guys, who have the sportier version of my already sporty car following me waving, pointing out the features, and talking about how cool it was. Yes, I am a nerd and looked in the rearview to watch. Yeah, I watched them as I drove past too. Buh-bye. Take that Evolution!

Then yesterday, the most freakish accident ever happened. I was on I-5, doing 60 when this big old semi runs over some road debri. It kicks the debri up (a square of plastic like 6 inches by 8 inches) and over my lane, smacks into the side mirror of an SUV, scrapes all along the SUV, bounces off the end, and right smack into the front corner of my hood. Leaving a big fatty dent. Yay.

I mean, it could have been a lot worst (seriously, that thing was going FAST). What if it actually hit my window? That would have completely sucked ass.

But I am really beginning to think that this car is cursed. Who goes through 3 windshields in 3 years? Me. Then flying crap bounces over the car and then comes back to hit it? Yup. Still me.

Usually at this point, I would be raging mad but you know what that will get me? Nothing. So what is the point in wasting the energy being pissed off? Yesterday was a good day, as was the day before and it is just a car. It's not the end of the world, it's just a dent. The car can't be pretty forever and I am okay with that.

Just don't break anymore damn windshields, kay?


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