Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The assignment-a happy memory

I regularly read debutant.com and today (or atleast when I looked at it) the assignment was to write about a good memory you have. And since I did so much bitching yesterday, I think that I could use a reminder of why my life is so great.

My family and I have always been very close. And by family, I mean 3 aunts, 3 uncles, a divorced grandma and grandpa (but both are still at every family function with no issues at all. I don't even remember them married but I always remember them together with us at holidays), my mom, my sister with massive scatterings of cousins and second cousins. We actually liked each other. One of the things we did most often was bake. For pretty much every holiday, we made cookies and candy. Yum, candy.

We also did craft projects. My favorite one ever had to be one of our easter projects. I was probably about 11 years old. We made easter bonnets-the massive dominate your head kind. We spray painted them a light pink, then hot glued little flowers all around the brim of the hat. Then we took a strand of small pearl lookin' beads and weaved them in through the flowers. When we were finished, we all went outside on the porch and took a picture of us in our new easter dresses and big bonnets.

I was jealous because the look alike auntie's hat looked better. I kept that hat for about 8 years. By then, the paint was chipping, half the flowers had come off, the beads were drooping, and it didn't resemble much of a cirle anymore. But everytime I looked at it, I remembered how much fun I had hanging out with my grandma and my aunts. And how much fun I still have with them.


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