Thursday, July 20, 2006

Nice people make me happy

Since I seem to be a whiner a lot (whah, I have to wear a dress. whah, my job sucks. whah, my boyfriend is a jerk. Wait-that's not true!) I have decided to share a nice inspiring store about someone who doesn't suck.

This all goes back 6 years ago. I had just left the baby daddy and started working in my very first Coffee Giant store. I hadn't found out at this point yet that he was worst than the average scumbag (cheater) but we were separated. About two weeks after I started there was when I found out.

Almost everyone was the same age as me (or close to it) so we all got along very well. While we were cleaning store, or making the mocha, or grinding the coffee we obviously chatted about a lot of things. Me being one of them. We talked about all the weird stuff happening to my body, the jackass AKA baby daddy, how I was all on my own now, I would not be going back to him, and how I felt awful that I had to live off of my mom. They all sympathized with me and somehow made the situation a little more bearable. All my co-workers were amazing, even before the complete picture was obvious. After they found out the latest drama, the boys (including my boss) threatened to kick his ass and the girls were nice and sympatic.

I decided which date would be my last one at work and let them all know. I was going to try to work a week longer but unfortunately my body had other plans. I worked until 3 days before I had my son (I was supposed to have two weeks til he was here. Didn't happen) and was on bedrest for those 3 excruciating days. Seriously, you try not being allowed to go any further than the bathroom for 72 hours. You will go insane. I'm talkin' you can't even make your own sandwich. Bad.

Anyway, one of those 3 days, a girl from work came to visit me. I was so excited to see someone I was not related to. This girl had only worked at our store for about a month so we didn't know each other very well. But she lived about 1 mile away from the house. Apparently, she had told her church people about me-the 19 year old soon to be mom with bad taste in men- and they all collected some baby clothes. I'm talkin 2 or 3 garbage bags full of clothes. Some of them brand new.

I was shocked that all these complete strangers were willing to do something that meant so much. Then the girl went back out to her car for another box. She came in with a brand new stroller. This was far more than I could have imagined. I didn't have a stroller. My family got the smaller items but no one-myself included-could really afford to spend $100 on a chair with wheels. She purchased this for me out of her own pocket. Her I-only-make-$7.25-an-hour-but-am-giving-that-to-you pocket. I barely knew this girl and unfortunately, I don't even remember her name. But the fact that she did that for me and my son meant more than anyone could imagine. It's these things that make me realize that life really can't suck that bad.

Another good thing also came out of this. When she came to bring me the stroller, she brought her brother with her. Apparently, he had been doing all kinds of drugs and was quickly going downhill. After I had my son, the church had collected some more items. The girl wasn't around so he brought them to my house. The kid was only about 5 days old. He held the baby and you could see something change in his eyes. He was in awe of this child (as was everyone else) and was amazed at the experience I had. He left and I didn't see him again. The girl later told me that after he saw the baby, he realized that that was something he could have. That was his chance to do something important and meaningful. He stopped doing drugs completely and was preparing to be a parent himself. He went back to church. He was back to being her brother again.

So moral is, my life really doesn't suck. Some parts of it maybe, but as a whole I wouldn't have wanted things to be different. People have helped me so much along the way and I would like to think I have helped them too. And to all of you guys, thank you. Thanks for making me take back shoes that hurt, offering my your allergy medicine after my kid went to the baby daddy's house, and for the random aisle jigs that always make me laugh. You guys also do not suck.

Oooh! And you know what else makes me happy? MY BIRTHDAY! And ice cream cake that was supposed to have a penis on it but instead has a Teddy Bear with lots of pink.


At 8:16 AM, Blogger K said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mm! We love you.


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