Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Things I won't miss about this job...

I have been offered a position in accounts receivable with the Coffee Giant. I start on August 14th. After 3 1/2 years, I am finally getting out of this black pit we refer to as CR. Someone is giving me the chance to do more than apologize without meaning it and giving away the company's money all in the name of customer service. So, here are the things I will gladly be passing on to some other poor soul.

1. I'm sorry maam. There is nothing more we can do for you.
2. Maam, you sent in 8 year old mugs. It is ceramic. They break. There is nothing more we can do for you.
3. You hit a stationary object. There is nothing more we can do for you.
4. Cheeks hurting from all the fake smiling while on the phone. They can't even see the damn smile.
5. Stalkers.
6. Repeating myself over and over. And over again.
7. A 4x6 space for all my crap. I have a lot of crap. Although I am not gonna get too excited because I may just be moving to another 4x6 space.
8. Getting stuck by a train when you have exactly 3 minutes to get to work. And the sun isn't even up.
9. Not being allowed to take time off because 1 other person already has. And then the powers that be let two other people off.
10. The first call of the morning being a big fat whiner. "You shouldn't sell a cup as spill proof for kids if it isn't." It's spill resistant dummy.
11. Finally, taking a shower half asleep and forgetting to rinse out the conditioner. Again.


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