Friday, March 31, 2006

I am my mother. Please shoot me.

So, all those things I thought before I was a mom? You know, the I'm never gonna do that to my kid, I'm never gonna say that, my kid won't have a dirty face or a snotty nose...

Oh, to be young and dilusional again.

I have officially become my mother. Last night we came home and had about 15 minutes to eat dinner before Karate. When dinner was done, I called him and had the aunt go get him, but he still didn't come out for dinner. By the time he did, there was about 10 minutes left til the start of class. I told him he could eat half his dinner, then he needed to get his uniform on so we could go. I washed his uniform so I even set out most of the parts with it. He finishes the half of dinner and I tell him to go get dressed. What does he do?

Jumps all over every piece of furniture in our living room til he get to the couch with his clothes. Then jumps on that one too.

He starts to get dressed, then whines that he can't tie it. I tell him that's fine, I will do it, he needs to put his pants on though. He finally does, then sits back down to keep eating. Tomato soup-not okay for eating in the uniform. I tell him to stop and get his belt-he now has two minutes. What comes next?

"Mooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmm, I can't find it!" in his most irritating whiney voice (a quality gleaned from me-the queen of all whiners). I tell him, "you wore it, it is your responsibility to keep track of it, I am not helping you. And if your room was clean you would already know where it is!".

Yeah, I went there.

So he "tries" to find it, can't, and I tell him that he can't go to karate now and if he would like to continue whining, he can go to his room. Otherwise if he is done whining, he can sit down and finish his dinner. Then clean his room. So he does, starts on his room and 10 seconds later comes out all excited, "mom, I found my belt". I told him that's nice, he should put it somewhere so it doesn't get lost for tomorrow. But still no karate.

I know, I am a mean mommy...but I felt guilty and gave him cake when he was done.

Baby steps, Okay? I am not well adjusted to not giving him what he wants.


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